Calculate Liability for production guarantee liability

edited October 2022 in Chev.Agric

Don't we need to subtract expected production from APC? I'm not sure how Liability for Agric Insurance works out. I mean, if we have a regular insurance, shouldn't we subtract an expected production when calculating the Best Estimate Liability?
Just some random thought here.



  • It is margin insurance, so any shortfall from your actual yield would be compensated. Basically your the payout is max(0, E[yield] - Actual Yield).

  • Is it correct to interpret L$ as the maximum loss for the coverage?

    i.e. Indem$ = MAX ( 0, PG - AP ) x (insured unit price), so if AP = 0 then this becomes:

    PG x (insured unit price) = L$

  • Yup you can think that

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