2017.Fall #18

edited March 2023 in OSFI.Eqk

Why the sample answer takes the maximum of East PML and West PML? Where can we find this formula?


  • It's in the OSFI paper under Earthquake risk

  • do you mind pointing to the formula used? The solution is using a different formula to calculate the countrywide PML. For 420 they took the max but not for 500 years. I couldn't find anything in the OSFI paper

  • edited March 2023

    That exam question is out-of-date. It was covered in the pre-IFRS17 version of the MCT reading. The phase-in period was from 2014-2022 and now that we are in 2023, the phase-in period is no longer relevant. You can see which exam problems are outdated using from the BattleCards:

    And you can get a BattelCard-style list of every old exam using this link:

    And the above link appears here on the Main Page: (2nd link down)

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