why multiplying 1.25 to margin(nuclear)

When calculating margin(nuclear) for capital available for insurance risk, why is 1.25 multiplied?
where is that coming from?


  • It is just the multiplier prescribed by OSFI - It could be 30 or 40% if OSFI says so

  • do we need to memorize 1.25 to the margin(nuclear) and the 30% to the net prem. received past 12 months?

  • This seems like some sort of risk factor and the syllabus says we don't need to know the risk factors for the exam - could you provide more insight into this?

  • I don't think you would need to memorise it. I never memorised any factors when I took 6C

  • do we need to know the risk factors for operational risk? I just took another look at the syllabus and it says we're not responsible for risk factors relating to insurance, market or credit risk, but they never mentioned operational risk. Does this technically mean these are fair game (i.e. the 0.75% applied to intragroup pooling, 2.5% to DWP, etc...)?

  • I am pretty sure you don't need to memorise them. At worst, just make up a number and state your assumption if it is not provided. You would be docked 0.25 marks for doing so. It's up to you to gauge the risk-reward trade-off of memorising or not. Fwiw I didn't memorise it when I sat for 6

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