Goal of FA

I believe there may be an error in the battlecards pertaining to Goal (Objective) of FA. The battlecard states:

Ensures auto insurance availability for all owners and licensed drivers who are unable to obtain coverage in the voluntary market

I believe the bold section should be removed for 2 reasons:

  1. The source does not mention FA's focus is only those that cannot obtain coverage in the voluntary market

  2. The Fall 2019 Exam Q12 examiner report specifically mentioned credit would not be provided for statements just pertaining to RSPs and FARM


  • Imo I think the battlecard does not contradict the paper tbh. It is implicit in the battle card that coverage is guaranteed by the FA and will be available to all vehicle owners who needs it. I do think the examiner's report is probably alluding to candidates who refer to only one of the RSP or FARM when mentioning the goal of FA. It would seem harsh to penalize candidates for saying the goal of the FA is to manage the RSP and FARM risks as that implicitly means ensuring coverage will be available for all who need it

  • One way I could interprete that is that managing the RSP and FARM is not really the goal of FA.
    The goal of FA is ensuring available coverage for all [...]. Managing the RSP and FARM is simply one way to attain this goal. If the goal can be achieved with another mechanism, that could be used too.

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