Fall 2012 Q21

For part c) the solution gave this answer

But for Overall Net Leverage, the formula should be
(Net Liabilities + NWP)/EQ

and Net U/W Lev Ratio is NWP/EQ

So when we subtract Net U/W Lev Ratio from Overall Net Leverage (430% - 210%) = 220%

Should 220% be
Net Liabilities/EQ

This is different from Total Liabilities
Total Liabilities = Net Liabilities + Recoverable(s) from Reinsurer.

Luckily we have the ratio of Reinsurance Recoverables to Equity at 6.5%

Now we can equate
Total Liabilities/EQ
=(Net Liabilities + Recoverables)/EQ
= Net Liabilities/EQ + Recoverables/EQ
= 220% + 6.5%

Now we take the ratio of Net Loss Reserve / EQ over this new expression
[Net Loss/EQ]/[Total Liabilities/EQ]
=81.68% (Rounded to 4 decimal place)


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