6.15.1 Measurement Approach vs 6.15.2 Estimates of Future Cash Flows

The summary posted in BA for these two sections are the exact same, not sure if it was a mistake but just wanted to point it out incase!


  • Also a possible mistake, quiz 3 asks:
    (6.12.3) What must the Appointed Actuary do if the entity's discount curves differ from the reference curves?

    The answer that is shown as correct is: Only use the entity's discount curves for all calculations

    The notes however make it seem like the correct answer is: Explain the choice and report a comparison of present values using both sets of curves

  • Yup, my bad! I have corrected those items, thx! Next time you do quiz 3, check out the authour of the question for (6.12.3) in the green box just under the question. ;)

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