2016.Spring #14a - Undiscounted Excess/Deficiency Amount Explanation - Change in the Ult (shortcut)


Here is the explanation to use the change in the ultimate to calculate the Undis. Excess/Deficiency Amt.

Formula = (Res (beg) - Cum Paid (except @ 12) - Res (End))/Res (beg)

Cum Ult Inc @ 12 = Res @ 12 + Paid @ 12
Res @ 12 = Res (beg)

Cum Ult Inc = Cum Paid + Res (End)

Diff Cum Ult Inc @ 12 and Cum Ult Inc = Res (Beg) + Paid @ 12- (Cum Paid + Res (End)) =
Res (Beg) - Cum Paid + Paid @ 12 - Res (End)

Cum Paid - Paid at age Paid = Cum Paid (except @ 12)

To solve the problem quickly we can use:

Excess/Deficiency Amt = (Ult End - Ult @ 12)/(Ult @ 12 - Paid @ 12)


  • Hi genevieve,

    Thank you for posting this. I think we may need to negate the numerator of your final formula but I will get back to you by end of day. :)

  • Hi genevieve,

    I would write it as: (reversing the order in the numerator)

    Excess/Deficiency Amt = (Ult @ 12 - Ult End)/(Ult @ 12 - Paid @ 12)

    Intuitively, if the ultimate as of 12 months is greater than the ultimate at the end, then we will have an excess/positive amount (which is in agreement with the formula above... it will be positive if this is the case).

  • Ult @ 12- Ult @ end, you are right...a typo from my part. The goal of calculating excess and deficiency is to determine our ability to estimate the remaining amount to be paid which represents (paid + new reserve estimate until the losses are closed). Of course, we are going to take a younger estimate and subtract an older one. Good catch

  • Hi,

    The examiner's report gives two different answers to that question:

    • One is the "cumulative" xs/def ratio of AY12 @ 12/31/2015 (25%)
    • The other is the xs/def ratio measuring the adequacy of the AY12 Reserve booked at 12/31/2014, during CY2015 (100%)

    Are these 2 interpretations of the examiners' report correct?


  • Here's a link to a wiki page that discusses the solution. But basically my advice is to ignore the second solution. The first solution with the answer of 25% is the one I think they intended for you to do.

  • Ignoring the second solution then.

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