Question on Paper Ranking

Given the last 2 sittings, this paper appeared both times (3 marks each time), which is quite a lot for a new paper.

I was wondering if the low ranking reflects the likelihood that it would not appear on the next exam?


  • edited September 2019

    Basically, yes.

    My thinking is that even though it appeared on the 2 last sittings and was worth a lot of points, I didn't think only 2 data points was credible enough to put it up higher in the rankings. There aren't very many things in that reading that can be asked and in 2 sittings they've already covered a lot of it. Very soon, they will need to start repeating questions so there's a good chance the examiners will want to shift their focus, at least for 1 or 2 sittings.

    You should still study this and the ICBC reading of course, but I have a strong feeling they will ask questions from the new reading BCAR.Cdn2018, and the 2 new IFRS readings CIA.IFRS17 and IAA.Risk Adjs.

  • Thanks, I also except at least 5 marks from new/updated papers.

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