MCT full problem 01-deduction for B&C

Regarding to the MCT full problem 01 pdf:

In 04a, the qualifying category B instrument (16,500) doesn't match the category B (16,000) from 02a, also 04a doesn't seem to provide the category C instrument amount as a given. however the results are implying the category C should be 6000 by calculating it backwards. And this would not match the Category C provided in 02a as well, are there intermediate adjustments being done to actual category B & C that haven't been explicitly mentioned in the pdf file that we should be aware of? Would be great if this piece can be explained further.

In 03a, the calculation of D used uncapped LOC of 7000, why is it not capped at the 6900 LOC limit? This would give an Deduc(UnregRe) of 600 instead of 500.

Thanks a lot for looking into the questions above.


  • Thank you pointing that out. These examples were generated about a year ago, and there was a bug in the program. I fixed the bug but I didn't realize that these examples were generated with the old version of the program. You're the first person to comment on this! I have regenerated 2 MCT full problems. (You may have to clear your browser cache before it will load the new versions.) Please let me know if you have any further issues.

    For anyone else reading this post, these MCT examples are supposed to use the same set of numbers for every step of the MCT calculation so you can see the whole process from start to finish. (The practice templates in the BattleCards show all the component calculations separately.)

    Thanks again.

  • Thanks Graham!

  • You're welcome!

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