KMPG.RegOv pages 21 - 31

How are the following questions coming from this reading: page 21-31?

Fall 2018 - Q3c - two advantages of flex rating is found on page 19:

Flex rating allows insurers to make adjustments quickly in response to changing market conditions and claim experience, but at the same time this system prevents wide swings within a short periods of time.

Fall 2016 Q4a - one rate regulatory approach within each of the following systems:
* active
* moderate
* competitive
Which is described on page 16.

I would argue the bulk of the questions related to KPMG.RegOv refer to content specifically discussed on pages 16 - 20, which are excluded.

Can we get clarity from CAS on what part of the reading in on the exam next time you reach out. It is so frustrating to have material on the exam that is deliberately excluded from the exam, but subsequently tested. Since they could've just expanded the existing reading to include pages 14/16 - 20.


  • I raised this question on Oct 12, 2017.

    My question to the CAS committee:

    • Regarding the reading KPMG Regulatory Oversight, the relevant pages changed from the prior to the current syllabus. The prior syllabus lists pp. 14-31, and current syllabus lists pp. 21-31. But some of the material on pp. 14-20 is necessary to understand the material on pp. 21-31 (namely the descriptions of the various rate regulatory approaches.) Is the reference to pp. 21-31 correct?

    CAS answer (exact quote):

    • What is stated on the syllabus is what the candidate is expected to cover, extra pages in the study kits are usually included to place the material in context and provide additional.

    (Additional what? The last sentence sounds incomplete.)

    Anyway, this is a weasel answer. They're basically saying you have to realize you need to go back and read pages 14-20 to understand pages 21-31. And the implication is that this applies to all syllabus readings, which is utterly ridiculous.

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