simplified filing criteria

edited October 2020 in FSCO.PPA


Two questions:


I need help understanding where the information for the criteria allowing the use of a simplified filing is coming from. The study information states:

    descriptive rules:
        new discounts are ok (except UBIP) IF identical to another insurer
        can't change rating algorithm EXCEPT for new discounts

    numerical rules:
        changes to all coverages combined ≤ 0%
        changes to territorial base rate & relativities between (-15%, 5%)
        all individual changes < 15%

I have read both the FSCO.PPA and FSCO Reg664 multiple times and I cannot find anything that relates to any of these points except that the rate change must be <=0%.

Can you please point me to the right reading?


where does it say in the readings that the territorial differentials cannot change by more than the indication?

I'm sooo confused!!!!!!



  • edited October 2020

    It's a bit sneaky. You have to click on a link in the FSCO document to go to an external website and then click on yet another link to get the actual simplified guidelines. The direct link is below.

    If you're studying the FSCO.PPA reading from a printed copy, you might not notice the links within the text.

  • Thank you!

    Do you think the intent is to study the information in the links as well?

  • I wouldn't have thought so, but they have asked questions in the past where you had to know those things. :-(

  • ok I'll add it to the list just in case. Thanks for your help!

  • Where was the third point (all individual changes ≤ 15%) from? I see this in the link provided:
    "Any other changes to existing differentials or risk classification elements must be between -15.0% and +5.0% with no off-balancing. Each change to a differential is to be measured with reference to the current differential after re-basing the average proposed differentials to the same average current differentials for each coverage."

    So it's the same criteria as the change in territorial factors?

  • Yeah you are right. @graham thoughts?

  • Unless I'm mistaken, the criteria for simplified filings has been removed from the syllabus:

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