The Final Summary in WIki


I am a bit confused when going through the summary. There are 3 Options, does that mean the paper actually conclude that stakeholder should reduce overall flood risk and choose Option 1, but I through out all the Option 3 is the best when assessing?

And also, I don't quite get the last sentence, can you please elaborate more:
Any of the financial management mechanisms presented needs to be paired with necessary spending in physical risk treatment measures (e.g. mitigation, maintenance, exposure reduction, and strategic retreat) to contain, if not decrease, the number of dwellings that falls in the high-risk category in order to achieve the desired end state.

Thanks and Cheers,


  • Hi Wilson,

    I don't think the reading is specifically recommending any of the 3 options. The option a country chooses depends on the goals they are trying to achieve. Objectively, option 3 is the best (according to the colour-coded chart) but there could be reasons to choose a different option. For example, option 3 is expensive to set up and the government may not want to incur that expense. (Option 1 doesn't require this initial investment.)

    If you get an exam question asking you to recommend an option, any answer should be acceptable provided you explain how your chosen option works and list the strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes an exam question also provides a set of conditions and you might have to consider those conditions when giving your answer. But the key is mainly to demonstrate you have learned (memorized) the concepts within the reading.

    The sentence about "Any of the financial management mechanisms..." means that whichever option is chosen, the government should still spend money (or encourage stakeholders to spend money) to reduce the number of properties in high flood-risk areas. Examples might be:

    • regulations to prohibit housing developments in areas at higher risk of flooding (like near the banks of a river.)
    • building floodgates and levies (as in New Orleans) to protect the city from storm surges during hurricanes

    It's best to invest resources now to prevent flood damage rather than compensate stakeholders after the damage has occurred.


  • That is very clear. Thanks Graham! :)

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