AB vs ON auto insurance problems

Just want to clarify, one difference in the compensation is that in Ontario they are not delivered fairly (ie too much money is going to the legal system - settlement, court fees etc. but the overall settlement amounts are fair) and in Alberta the compensation is not fair in terms of $ (there is no mechanism to control the BI costs - the injury compensation was either too high or too low).

However, BOTH have the issue that premiums are rising (due to high or volatile settlements) and health outcomes are inefficient (due to tort component)


  • If you wrote that on the exam, you would get most or all of the points. Don't overthink it. This topic is of lesser importance and for topics of lesser importance they tend to accept a broader range of answers. It's clear you understand the issues, and also how AB and ON compare to each other. The graders aren't going quibble over nuanced wording.

    For lower-importance topics, they generally only require that you've memorized a few relevant facts. A deep understanding is not required as it is for MCT for FCT and other high-ranked readings.

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