Intervention/effort spectrum


I need a clarification on the term "intervention" used to rank the options: who's intervention is referred to here please?
I first thought we referred to the public/gvt intervention. But then this is not consistent with option 2 having a weaker "shield taxpayer" grade than option 3: since option 3 is considered the "higher intervention", if it was the gvt's intervention we are talking about, then taxpayers should be the least shielded in this option and 3 should have the weakest grade.

I guess the below extract from the text should answer my question, but again, I don't see exactly to which party they refer to:

"The differences along the spectrum relate to the level of programming effort available to assist homeowners."



  • The best advice I can give you here is to not get hung up on the details. The term "intervention" broadly means government intervention into the private marketplace. So even if some interpretation of option 2 is not quite consistent with that meaning, it isn't something you need to worry about. It was not intended to be a precise description.

    If you can explain the 3 options, you will be prepared for an exam question on that topic.

  • cool, thanks!

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