Whiten v Pilot Insurance

In the "dimensions" part, there are this sentence "punitive award should not be seen by insurer as a license (no financial gain)" - Could someone share some thoughts on what does it mean? Thank you!


  • It means punitive awards are meant to deter insurers from carrying out an abhorrent act, rather than just being seen as a "cost" of doing business. Giving an unrelated but simple example, if an insurer was involved in false advertising which brings an additional 5000 in income and is fined 1000 for doing so -> It's still seen as a net gain and they can just treat this 1000 as a cost of doing business. However, if the fine is 10000, then the punishment is way greater than the gain of 5000 and the insurer will be deterred as there is a financial loss in doing so

  • I am look at the BVH - DPL in the Land.CASE.

    I thought D (Deterrence to insurer) is the deterrence?

    Based on your explanation above both D and L seems to be deterrence?

    So what is the difference between D (Deterrence to insurer) and L (punitive award should not been seen by the insurer as a "License" (no financial gain for insurer))

  • The deterrence for the insurer is the punitive award. Just saying deterrence doesn't answer what the deterrence is

  • I am still confused.

    Could you provide an example for each one:

    • D (Deterrence to insurer
    • L (punitive award should not been seen by the insurer as a "License" (no financial gain for insurer))
  • It's not one or the other in this case -> Deterrence means an act that will prevent occurrence of an event going forward. In this case, a punitive award is meant to prevent this from occurring again. The punitive award is the deterrence

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