Tax treatment

is "not tax deductible" and "taxable" the same thing?
is "tax deductible" and "not taxable" the same thing?

can you please explain the tax treatment for the following:
individual contribution to provincial health insurance premiums
employer contribution to provincial health insurance premiums
individual contribution to private health insurance premiums
employer contribution to private health insurance premiums

Thank you


  • No,
    Tax deduction of $50: NI - $50
    Taxable amount of $50: NI + $50
    Not tax deductible means you can't subtract the item from your taxable income whereas not taxable means it doesn't get added to your taxable income.

    a) individual contribution to provincial health insurance premiums - Not Tax Deductible
    b) employer contribution to provincial health insurance premiums - Taxable Income for
    c) individual contribution to private health insurance premiums - Tax Deductible
    d) employer contribution to private health insurance premiums - Not Taxable Income
    for employee

  • Is tax credit same as tax deductible? Thanks!

  • edited April 2022

    No it's not.
    Example: Your taxable income this year is 100K and you are taxed 20% or 20K.

    • Tax credit of 1000: Total Tax paid= 20K - 1K = 19K
    • Tax deduction of 1000: Total Taxable Income= 100K - 1K, Total Tax paid: 99K*0.2 = 19.8K
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