2017.Fall 17 c.

Could the substantially all rule apply here as well? My reasoning is that 100% of the ceded portion of the contract has been transferred. Is that correct?


  • Yes, but for a 0.75 mark question generally you would like to do something in the realm of: Yes (0.25), Because (0.5).
    Your answer is more like: Yes (0.25), Because (0.25)

  • if I include there are also no risk limiting features in the ceded portion of the contract, would that cover the remaining 0.25? :)

  • Yup I would think so

  • Why isn't a deductible considered a risk limiting feature? Naturally, it seems like one in this case as 2/3 scenarios will have nothing ceded because of this feature.

  • I think the sample answer makes it quite clear. For example, there is a > 10% chance to make a 10% loss. It does not matter if 2/3 scenarios will have nothing ceded

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