2017.Fall 11 b.)

edited April 2022 in Morn.Pension

The per-visit deductible, could someone elaborate why this violates "Accessible"? If this deductible is applied to everyone, I believe Accessibility is still satisfied. However, I would say this violates "Universal" because not everyone may be able to afford the per-visit deductible, so not all eligible residents will be covered.

Also, would removing extended health care services violate "comprehensive" (because it's suppose to cover all medical services)? If not could someone elaborate on this please.

Comprehensive - covers all hospital & medical services
Universal - covers all eligible residents
Accessible - uniform terms & conditions for all eligible residents.


  • In the text:

    • Accessibility: Insured services must not be precluded or impeded directly or indirectly by charges or other mechanisms. This answers your first question.
    • Universal: I would not agree with your argument here. Not being able to afford the deductible and not being offered a service is different.
    • Comprehensive: No it would not. Because while provinces are encouraged to provide this extended health care services, it is not mandatory to receive federal funding
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