2017 Fall Q12

Briefly describe four company characteristics that play a role in most insurer insolvencies.

This is a bit petty, but I'm trying to understand how this particular question relates back to the Exam 6C learning objectives. Dibra & Leadbetter is only mentioned under Section B of the syllabus (Government Insuerers). Wouldn't the above question therefor be defective as it doesn't actually relate to Section B of the syllabus at all? [also asked in Fall 2016] This would make the material not required knowledge.

Section B

  1. Describe the origin and purpose of specific government and insurance industry programs.
  2. Describe the operations and risk transfer process for each government and insurance industry program listed in the introduction to Section B and their interactions with the voluntary private insurance sector.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of a government and insurance industry program

How do the "four [internal] company characteristics that play a role in most insurer insolvencies" relate back to the above Learning Objectives?

My main point

Thus, the learning objectives, knowledge statements, and readings complement each other. The learning objectives define the behaviors, the knowledge statements illustrate more fully the intended scope of the learning objectives, and the readings provide the source material to achieve the learning objectives

Note: fits into A2.j [kind of]


  • I once tried to make sense of the learning objectives like you're trying to do, but I soon realized they are totally useless in helping people study. You will go crazy trying to figure it out! The best source is old exams and then educated guesses as to what would be good questions based on the readings.

    Side note: They recently removed a fairly difficult reading that had been on the syllabus for about 4 exam sessions without ever having asked a question on it. That was very annoying because I had spent a lot of time on the wiki article and other content for it. Turned out to be a total waste of time. My guess is that nobody on the exam committee was willing to expend the time & effort to figure it out so they finally just deleted it.

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