2019 Spring #5

2019 Spring #5
I can see which Landmark legal cases they are referring to in this question, however it seems like the question lacks detail.

Ex. For Case A, Sansalone vs. Wawanesa looked at specific wording within the homeowner's policy regarding bodily injury caused intentionally. In this question, we are given XYZ liability insurer with no specifics on the policy. How can we assume that the sexual assault is beyond the coverage as per the answer key?

For Case B, how do we know fraud is excluded in the applicable policy from XYZ liability insurer?

Should we just assume the cases apply when it seems like they are asking about one of the Landmark legal cases?



  • It's because there are only a few cases in the syllabus which you can relate to. The question is open ended so you could argue the other way round if you had another case as an example (which is not in the list of cases). Generally yes for your last point. Exam questions should be very obvious in terms of the actual cases they are looking for

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