Could you please clarify if OCPF-44 is for both uninsured and underinsured? the answer from battlecard is different from FSCO wording (https://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/autobulletins/2005/Documents/opcf44r-10-05.pdf).


  • I would say the FSCO wording is the correct one. @graham thoughts?

  • Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see what's wrong, unless it's the part I put in parentheses in the BattleCard answer. (I'm not sure now why I added that.) OPCF 44r basically applies to both underinsured and uninsured motorists. Here is what I understand OCFP-44R to be written out

  • Hello,

    What is the difference between MOTORIST and AUTO?

  • Also, is it mandatory in ON? What is the difference between OPCS44R and uninsured Automobile coverage?

  • Motorist is the driver and auto is the vehicle. OCPF 44 is for additional uninsured motorist coverage, beyond the mandated limit

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